Thursday, January 20, 2011


So, I'm still healing from my back injury so I took the opportunity to go visit family and friends in Ohio.
While I was there I shot some video (posted below) of all the nieces, nephews, friends, friends kids and family.  I'm still stumbling my way through learning all that goes along with video, but I'm getting there.
I'm going to go bake some bread and make some stew so, see ya!


 Here is a photo of my last CT scan.  T7 vertebra is totally crushed but the doc says I shouldn't need      surgery as long as I take it easy for the next 6 weeks.  Needless to say, I'm pretty bored.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


So, here is what's been going on:

I went back to Colorado to snowboard and broke my back, now I'm sitting at home all day being bored to death.

                                                               Matt Cook came to visit.

am getting pretty good at techdecking with all the free time I have though, so thats good.